Voters, the first day of Advance in Person Voting for the General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election is Monday!

6283c2871a6e9.jpgVoters, the first day of Advance in Person Voting for the General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election is Monday! Take advantage and cast your ballot early May 2 through May 20. To find a location near you, visit
Votantes, ¡el lunes es el primer día de Votación anticipada en persona para la Elección general no partidaria y la Elección primaria general! Aproveche y realice su voto anticipado desde el 2 hasta el 20 de mayo. Visite el sitio web para buscar una ubicación cercana a la suya.
유권자 여러분, 예비경선 및 비정당 선거 사전 투표 첫날은 월요일 입니다. 5월 2일부터 5월 20일
까지 투표권을 행사해사해 주십시요. 가까운 투표소 정보는을 방문하세요.
Các cử tri, Thứ Hai là ngày đầu tiên Bỏ Phiếu Trực Tiếp Sớm cho Cuộc Bầu Cử Không Đảng Phái và Tổng Tuyển Cử Sơ Bộ! Hãy nắm lấy cơ hội và bỏ phiếu sớm từ ngày 2 tháng 5 đến ngày 20 tháng 5. Để tìm một địa điểm bỏ phiếu gần với quý vị, vui lòng truy cập
Voters, the first day of Advance in Person Voting for the General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election is Monday! Take advantage and cast your ballot early May 2 through May 20. To find a location near you, visit
Voters, Monday is the first day of Early Voting in person for the Nonpartisan General Election and the General Primary Election! Take advantage and cast your early vote from May 2nd to May 20th. Visit the website to search for a location near you.
Voters, the first day of pre-voting in the primary and non-party elections is Monday. May 2 to May 20
Please exercise your right to vote until. Visit을 for polling stations near you.
Voters, Monday is the first day of Direct Early Voting for the Non-Partisan Elections and Primary General Elections! Take a chance and vote early from May 2 to May 20. To find a polling location near you, please visit
Voters, Monday is the first day of primary and non-partisan elections! Take advantage of the opportunity and cast your ballot from May 2nd to May 20. For locations near you visit

Voters, the first day of Advance in Person Voting for the General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election is Monday!

Voters, the first day of Advance in Person Voting for the General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election is Monday!
2 years 38 Views