Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Is DNC.Video associated with the DNC Democratic National Committee or any political party?

A. No, it has no affiliation with any political party. We do encourage participation from party whom the video platform is geard towards in any way, contact us here. We simply provide technology in hopes to promote debate, conversation and dialogue.


Q. What is DNC.Video?

A. DNC.Video is an online video platform to enable civil political discourse and debate as well as promotion of ideas, issues, opinions, campaings, and party principles.


Q. What can I do with a channel?

A. Depending on your level of experience with online video platforms you can do almost anything. Stream  public or private videos, public and private livecast, have online meetings, livecast online meetings, hold meetings, public and private groups, livecasts pay-per-view events, programs, series, or channels, write articles, chat about specific videos, receive donations, promote your ideas, and more..


Q. Who can create a DNC.Video Channel?

A. Anyone can create a DNC.Video channel. Radio Stations, Talk Shows, Politicians, Citizens, Organizations, etc. that feels a channel on a DNC Video network is valuable to audiences.


Q. Who regulates who can create a DNC.Video Channel?

A. No one regulates who can be a user at this time. We take specific actions to ensure channels are US based in order to avoid foreign interference by false and foreign accounts, but that is as far we go to regulate. However users can report channels or content that go against the TOU or uncertified accounts suspected of impersonating a public figure. You can differ in opinion, but you can't be uncivil.


Q. How much does it cost to create a channel and upload media content?

A. Free to create a channel. To upload video there is a Free Plan (with ads), a Basic Plan ($12/mo) and Professional Plan ($24/mo) both with no ads.


Q. What other charges are there?

A. DNC.Video does not charge for anything else other than fines for miscoduct and violations of the TOU. You may encounter PPV content, or donation links, those items are provided by the Channel owners.


Q. Do you have to be in the same party, or a politician to post a video or comment on any category or topic?

A. No, we encourage everyone to voice their thoughts or dabate on any category or topic as long as it does not violate TOU. Ideally politicians as well as citizens can comment on each others posts and issues.


Q. Can anyone use the Meet tool?

A. Yes we encurage people to hold virtual/remote meetings, gatherings, debates, rallies, etc. with our online Meet tool. You can also Live Cast your meetings by activating the Live Cast option in your meeting.


Q. Can I raise donations from here?

A. Yes, we provide a form to add a donation or crowdfunding link of your choosing.


Q. What is this platform hoping to achieve?

A. To decrease the political divide, we must understand the various factors that work to divide us. We provide bias platforms to promote private and public party dialogue and debate. We certify the accounts for validity. Enable users to report content for abuse and other factors that have plagued politics through social media. We warn and fine users for TOU violations in hopes to have civil discourse and debate.


Q. Do you censor channels or content?

A. No we do censor, we encourage discourse, diologue, and debate unless reported by user for violation of TOU.


Q. Can I post videos to only a private group of people?

A. Yes, you can create groups and set videos to display only for the group.


Q. Can I make videos private?

A. Yes, videos are made public by default, but you can go to edit video and uncheck the Public option. You can password protect a private video, display in group only, or make Pay Per View.


Q. Can I share my videos? 

A. Yes, you can set a video to share if it is also set to Public, in order to enable users to share your videos.  You can also upload to YouTube or other video platforms and social media sites and bring users back to your channel.


Q. Can I go Live?

A. Yes, Anyone can make a public or private livecast by clicking on the red LIVE button. This is perfect to record live events, campaigning, converations, meetings, speeches and more.


Q. Is this an Application? 

A. Yes, it is a Progressive Web Application (PWA, WebApp).


Q. How do I install DNC.Video App on my device?

A. On your device open DNC.Video on your favorite browser, click Install App button on browser address bar, or click to share, then click Add To Home Screen. That will install the  DNC.Video App on your device.


Q. What are Channel Programs?

A. Each channel can create any number of Programs. Programs can be organized in form of series and feeds can be provided for each or all your programs in any media compatible format such as MRSS, JSON, XML, or M3U8.
